5 things to do for your blog when you don't feel like blogging

#blogging, blogger about me page

Sometimes in the world of blogging, you feel like you just want to take a break. I get it, it happens to me all the time. When I am not rolling out new posts or just don't feel like  like blogging, but want to stay active with my blog, there are five things that I do and still feel like I have accomplished something for the day.

1. update your about me/start here page

Your about page is basically the place where people go to "meet you" and your blog... think of it as your profile on a dating site. From your about page, a reader will decide right then and there if they want to stay and become a loyal reader or if they only want to read the one post that brought them there, and leave.

*For tips on writing a GREAT about me/start here page, see this post from Coming up Roses

2. promote recent or old blog posts

Once you hit publish on a post, it doesn't stop there. You have to promote that post via social media to get eyes on your content. But then again, everyone knows that. The thing is: every now and again you need to promote some of that older stuff too. If you have a post that had some big views, then promote it. If you had a post that flopped, then go in, make some changes, and promote that stuff. 

*For a list of places to promote your posts, check out this post from Kaleidoscope Design Studio

#blogger, blogger about me page

3. make a media kit/update your media kit

A media kit is essentially a snapshot of your blog and it generally includes things: name, contact info, summary of your blog, social media stats, page views and demographics, and examples of your work. If you want to work with companies or even pitch other bloggers to possibly guest post, you need to have a media kit. If you don't have one, now is the best time to get on the wagon and make yourself one.

*If you want to learn more, check out my Pinterest board full of all things media kits.
*If you have a media kit and are interested in Pitching Companies, but don't know where to start, check out That Pitch Life Facebook group

4. make/update Pinterest images for old blog posts

Pinterest is a really great tool for marketing your blog posts, and I have heard that it is the number one Social Media platform right now too. So knowing all that, you should realize this: Pinterest is an important social media tool, and if you want to drive traffic to your posts, then you need a Pinterest-worthy image. The main thing about Pinterest is the fact that the pins are eye catching, interesting, and VERTICAL; and it just makes sense to have a pinnable image in every post, even if you hide it.

*Personally, I am currently going back through old posts and adding Pinterest-worthy images.

5. read, comment, and promote another blogger's content

Blogging is about community. Period. And in this community, if you want your posts shared, you need to reciprocate. So if you don't feel like rolling out a new post, why not jump on Bloglovin' or a Facebook group, find some great content, and promote it or comment your thoughts? :)

What do you like to do when you're not blogging?

*photo credits

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