Alot of people talk about how much 2016 sucked, but after looking at my yearly recap, I actually had a great year. Sure there was some ups and downs, but there was a lot more ups in my personal life then in the reality of the world. Yes, there was the political upset and trying to figure how much it would cost to move to Canada (btw, it's really expensive and there are alot of BSL (breed specific laws) everywhere so it would be really complicated), and of course, I quit my job, and I saw alot of famous people die, but there was also the day that Lil Man started kindergarten, the month that we brought Ellie home, the 1000th follower on Instagram, and the first time that I made $100 with this here blog.
2016 was actually really good from that perspective. And to top it off, the ending of a good year was spent with my loves.

But now it's on to 2017...
On to a new year and a fresh start.
I love how shiny and clean a new year feels. It's like a blank slate and of course, it's a great time to start new goals and end old habits. This month, I am going to be doing some re-branding with the blog. I know that I eventually want to migrate to Wordpress (later this year), but right now, I want to freshen up: think fonts, colors, design, photos. I also am planning on going back and adding Pinterest worthy images to my old popular blog posts.
This month, I am also going to continue with a few 2016 recaps and tell you guys about my best beauty products finds of the year and finish out my holiday bucket list. I am also going to talk about my 2017 goals, both personal and blogging ones. Since it's a new year, I have some blogging related posts on deck, because some blogging myths need to be busted, my favorite fonts need to be talked about, and of course, Instagram comment pods need to be explained. I also want to share some of my favorite beauty hacks.
I have a feeling that this month is going to set the tone for the whole year, and I am pretty freakin' psyched about it.
What would you like to see on a hundred tiny wishes?
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