I had this whole post laid out perfectly in my head- I was going to talk about Chelsea Handler coming out about Abortion in her Playboy article, and the fact that every single person is out there judging her for what she did like 20 years ago, but after I thought about it, I knew it wasn't something that I actually wanted to talk about. Sure it's a hot button issue & is trending, but abortion is on my no-no talk list. Instead, I decided to give you a nice little run down of the month.

1. My sweet Ellie turned 6 months. I can't believe how much of an essential she has become to the family. She loves Lil Man & her favorite thing to do is cover him in kisses whenever she sees him.
2. The peonies were popping up like wild daisies and I just had to display them. I love the smell, but due to the little red ants that inhabit the center, it's impossible to bring them inside.
3. Target dollar section had some rather cute notebooks, and of course, I has to post this one on Insta.
4. Father's Day was spent at a car show, because that's what the hubby wanted to do.
5. My parent's decided to open up their pool.
6. We started this whole "button thing" with Lil man (every time he does something without having to be asked more than once, he gets a button), and he earned enough for bumper cars with Daddy.
7. I had a molar pulled last Friday, so with Lil Man staying with my parents, Ellie kept me company.
8. There were a few hot days, and while mommy recovered from the molar pulling, Lil Man and Daddy got in some pool time.
9. I put in my two weeks, and even though July 1 was supposed to be my last day, I decided to cut the rope two days early.
Next, the lovely things that June has taught me:
June was about finding myself, work & parenting wise. I had been going round and round with myself about quitting my job so I could stay home and teach Lil Man, and through the encouragement of my hubby and parents, I finally put in my two weeks. I know I surprised a lot of people, but it's going to be for the better. I loved the job, just not the pay. But the good news is that through the "round and round", I decided that I am going to start blogging more. I want to be featured in magazines, I want to go viral on Pinterest, and I want to start to monetize soon (I even made an ebook last night, and it will soon be available free when you sign up for the mailing list). I am excited to see where July is going to take me, my family, and this blog.
And lastly, my most popular posts of the month:
How to make summer blogging work for you
Ten must read posts on blogging
The decision to move on
On the subject of cruelty-free beauty products
Ten things you don't know about me
How was June for you?
**Cheers to the weekend and Diary of a Real Housewife, the high five for Friday gals, the oh, hey Friday gals, Momfessionals & gang, Meet @ the Barre,the Friday blog hop, & the Five on Friday gals.
photo credit
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