July Goals

Spoiler alert: it's July, and it's time for some monthly goals. June was a pretty big month on my end- I quit my Monday-Friday job to teach my son all the things that he needs to know for kindergarten and to pursue blogging. I will still be working part-time for a different company (on different days), but my focus is on my son. I hope to do so many things in July, but before we get into all of that, let's recap my June goals and which ones were accomplished.

June goals recap

Personal Goals
  • Dedicate time to teach Lil Man the basics of kindergarten.  SUCCESS! I quit my job for this one... starting today, I am setting aside a time to work with him each day. 
  • Go on at least two family adventures (can include going to the zoo, Chicago, mini golfing, etc) SUCCESS! We went mini golfing & to the zoo!
  • Freshen up my hair (cut & dye)  FAIL! Honestly, we just didn't have the money for it this month.
  • Make up a chore & allowance chart for Lil Man FAIL! We started a button jar, which is sorta like an allowance chart, but really, it's not. 

Blog Goals
  • Head shots FAIL! Head shots take money. Money is what I haven't got right now.
  • Post 3-4 times a week HALF & HALF! Last week, I failed at this, but the past few weeks, I have been trying to get 2-3 up. Hey, it's summer, so there's a few more important things to do- like freshen up old posts
  • Engage more with readers & decrease time for replying to comments SUCCESS! This is something that I am happy to say that I have been getting good at! Comments are flying in, and I love Disqus.
  • Edit old blog posts FAIL! I tried to go back & edit, but I got off track. I think I was able to edit one, but not enough to call it a success.
  • Increase social media numbers SUCCESS!
Just look at this>> 

a hundred tiny wishes blog stats:

as of May 2016 June 2016

Average posts per week: 3-5

Twitter: 893 896
Instagram: 735 952
Bloglovin': 697 889
Pinterest: 654 833
Facebook: 575 588

The crossed out figures are from May. I'm blown away by this. I feel like my Instagram exploded this month!
  • Sponsor at least one blog (& be a good sponsor... meet deadlines... post so they can share, etc) SUCCESS! I sponsored Angie from My So-Called Chaos
  • Make a Pinterest image for EVERY blog post SUCCESS! This one feels like second nature. 

July Goals

Personal Goals
  • Get my hair cut. Dying not necessary.
  • Find a cheaper shampoo & conditioner
  • Create a chore chart for Lil Man
  • Buy tablet for Lil Man
  • Add two new designs to the Etsy Shop

Blog Goals
  • Decide how I feel about the whole niche blogging... do I want one or just to be classified as lifestyle blogger?
  • Post 3-4 times a week 
  • Schedule posts ahead of time (Saturday & Sunday is an optimal time)
  • Contact a photography and price head shots
  • Build Twitter (910) & Facebook (600)
  • Increase Instagram to 1000 followers
  • Build email subscriber list
  • Launch ebook

Alot of my goals are focusing on building the blog this month. I have said many times that I want to go places with this blog- and July is going to be a starting point.

What are your goals for July?

*Photo Credit: Ashley Ella Design

*Linking up with My So Called Chaos

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