Happy freggin Friday friends! I am so ready for this weekend, cause I gatta tell you... this week has defiantly sucked... see evidence in number 1.
1. I am in the process of finding a new pain management facility.
On Monday, I went in to my pain management doctor for a diagnostic injection in my back (I have a few herniated discs), and came out with pain that radiated across my lower back, down my right thigh, and down to my foot at times. I was in horrible pain on Tuesday, and of course, pain management was dragging their feet to help me. I had called them a few times, but once I broke down in tears after they told me to just take a pain pill, and make an appointment for Wednesday, the hubby drove me to the emergency room. At the ER, they told me that I most likely had some inflammation from the injection, but due to my contract with pain management, they couldn't change my medications. But they decided to be gracious enough to give me a few shots to ease my pain. After leaving the ER, I started to feel a bit better... until Wednesday. On Wednesday, my back was on fire, so I called pain management once again. And again, it took them over two hours to call me back. I refused to answer the phone.... Needless to say: I have an appointment on Monday, and I will be asking for my records so I can go to a different facility.
Have you ever tried pain management? Pros and cons?
2. Should the school be allowed to spank your child?
I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and saw this story about a five year old that was pleading with the principal of his school to not paddle him. The mother was actually the one to capture it all on camera... and you can hear someone laughing! I wanted to cry for this little boy. As a parent of a five year old that will be in school in the Fall, this outrages me. While I was a visit supervisor at a non-profit that conducted non-custodial parent & child supervised visits, we would tell our parents that spanking was not allowed, and attempt to help them with the non-violent alternatives like time outs and taking toys away. The fact that some schools still allow spanking is sickening to me. It's like telling parents that it's ok to beat your child. Sure, some kids really need a spanking or two, but it shouldn't be up to the school to determine what is the right punishment for my child.
Do you think that spanking should be allowed in schools?
3. Have you ever heard a song that you fell for and you wanted to keep it on repeat ALL THE TIME?
A few years ago, I, along with the rest of the world, became obsessed with Carly's Call Me Maybe, and currently I am so flipping obsessed with Lukas Graham's 7 Years. Every time it comes on in the car, I turn the radio up, and belt it out along with him! Oh, and this one from Fall Out Boy & Demi :)
Are you currently obsessed with any songs?
4. Have you ever had a hard time being happy?
Lately I feel as if my depression may be coming back for another round... It's not a good feeling. Granted the back pain issue really isn't helping, but neither is the stress of trying to find another job. I have less than a week to hash out my payments with Nelnet, and I am dreading the phone call. I have flipping anxiety over an impending phone call people. This is horrible... There is not enough wine for all of this...
Hell, maybe I should just get a mo-ped like Macklemore... it made him smile, right? Speaking of Macklemore, I need to go get my thrift shop on.
In case you missed it:
**Cheers to the weekend and Diary of a Real Housewife, the high five for Friday gals, the oh, hey Friday gals, Momfessionals & gang, Meet @ the Barre,the Friday blog hop, Love the Here and Now, Eat Pray Run DC, & the Five on Friday gals
How was your week?

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