I always love a new month... It's a blank slate, sorta. Back at the beginning of January, I talked about seven things I want to accomplish this year, and I've decided to work on one thing at a time- especially the purging and budgeting.
January Recap
January was all about purging and job applications. I started a purge of my house, and even though I didn't exactly finish by the end of the month- I still have a few areas to work on- I am starting to feel less crowded. It felt really good to take seven bags of things to goodwill, knowing that they weren't occupying space any more. And organizing Lil Man's toys into clear totes/bins, has helped him clean up his toys- he knows that every thing has it's place. Granted the clear bins are a bit of an eyesore, but what ever works, right?
I also applied for a couple of positions, that I would love to work at, and I'm hoping to hear something soon. Even if I don't hear anything, it's still a start.
You can read more about January here.
You can read more about January here.

Personal Wise
- Write out a budget. Now, I would like to actually implement it, but the idea is to actually see what comes in, what goes out, and why the hell I am broke a few days before payday.
- Say GOOD BYE to Popsugar. I have already cancelled my Popsugar Subscription Box for March. Unfortunately, I was too late at the end of January to cancel for February, but that's just how the cookie crumbles. I'm kinda thinking of adding another Birchbox Subscription, since it's only $10 a month, but we will see about that.
- Stop going to Maurices on Paydays. I usually stop at Maurices- my FAVORITE clothing store- on payday, and pick up a few things from the clearance, but I've realized that a) the money is accumulating, and b) I have way too many clothes. If I don't stop, by the end of February, I am going to have to do another purge!
- No more Target dollar section binges. Sure it's only $1 here, $3 there, but that stuff adds up! And I have way too many note cards.
- Apply to at least two jobs. March is coming fast and I'm dreading the federal loan payment that is coming with it. Fortunately, I do have a back up plan at my current employment, just in case I don't get the Monday-Friday day position I am wanting. I'm being picky because Lil Man is going to start Kindergarten in the Fall, and I am not ready to start a job, then quit, because it doesn't fit into his schedule.
Blog Wise
- Schedule at least two blog posts a week. I've always tried to stick to a three-times a week posting schedule, but it's not working for me. The last two weeks of January, I was able to sit down on Sunday and produce two posts- Monday and Wednesday- for the week. And it worked. I may change the days, but starting out with just two a week, is a start.
- Sponsor at least one blog. Yes, I know sponsorship takes money, but it will get my name out there. More exposure means that I can make money through Sponsored Opps and possibly sponsorships by the end of summer.
- Organize my Pinterest, Twitter, & Bloglovin. On Pinterest, my goals is to weed out my boards. I have been pinning for a rather long time, and things have gotten lost. I am following sooo many people on Twitter and Bloglovin, and my feeds are ridiculous. I need to weed out the ones that I don't interact with, meaning the celeb accts on Twitter, and the blogs I don't care to read, meaning the giveaway blogs.
- Join the Windy City Blogger Collective. My goal is promotion and the WCBC may be a good bet.
So this month I have quite a few goals, but they aren't bad goals. They are small, and manageable.
*A Meetup Monday Post
Always say yes to the wine.

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