I always love doing recaps of my year... it always brings back memories, and then gives me a big smack in the face, because I know I haven't printed out pictures for albums since Lil Man was two... Anyways, 2015 was the one year that made so much of an impact on my family and me. There were ups and downs, a family vacay, bits of happiness, and in true nature, there were a few life changing events that shook us to our cores.

Lil Man had his first dentist appt and we made several trips back and forth to Chicago. The hubby had had back surgery in Nov and he was getting those follow up appointments so he could go back to work.
Blog wise, I talked about facial serums, gave some tips on how to stay beautiful in cold weather, attempted to start my Images of Happy link up, and got personal with my biggest regrets.

February was a nice lil month. Both the hubby and my dad celebrated birthdays, the hubby went back to work with his brand new wedding band, and the snow was relentless. We were also introduced to Lil Rugar, and I had an interview.
Blog wise, I filmed and posted my very first vlog, and penned a letter to all my future interviewers.

The interview in February landed me a job that made me happy and that I loved, thus resulting in a twenty day straight of working, due to not wanting to screw over my part time weekend job, Lil Man saw his first theater movie, and we lost Lil Rugar.
Blog wise, I talked about what I learned my first week at a 9-5, collaborated with a fellow Indiana gal on why we are awesome, and opened myself up in admitting that sometimes I am a distracted parent.

Beautiful Spring flowers started to make their appearance, Easter was fun, we saw a real live monster truck, and I received my first sunburn of the year after doing yard work.
Blog wise, I penned an open letter to Bruce Jenner, because spoiler alert, my father is transgender; showed you what to do with that stash of brown Birchboxes, and talked about my love for charcoal beauty products.

In May we celebrated Mother's day, my brother and I had dinner with my father's side of the family, we spent Memorial Day at the zoo, and the hubby and I went wine tasting.
Blog wise, my job started taking over, but I talked about the things you would know if you really knew me, and the ten things that annoy me about being a licensed driver.

June was all about my mom's birthday, father's day, and a fun car show that my brother-in-law had entered his car into. I also met Strawberry Shortcake, but unfortunately, my mother had knee surgery, & my grandmother found a lump in her breast. Also, we found out that my beloved Duce Moose had either cancer or liver failure.
Blog wise, I talked about what happens when being a blogger isn't fun anymore and the main things that June taught me.

In July, we celebrated the 4th, went to the county fair and an indoor trampoline park. My grandmother also had her lump removed (She had radiation in Aug/Sept, & I'm proud to say that she is doing well).
Blog wise, I debuted my new blog design, opened up about what was going on with Duce, and gave you five ways to get the most out of Instagram.

August was a bit better for me compared to June and July... My bestie came to visit, Lil Man's seat was upgraded to a booster, we borrowed my brother in law's 4-wheeler & we visited Lincoln Park zoo. Sadly, near the end of the month, Duce lost his battle to whatever was killing him, which was one of the worst days of my life, but my family took me to the beach the day after in attempt to cheer me up.
Blog wise, I shared my can't live without summer beauty products and penned one of the hardest blog posts I had in almost two years.

September was my favorite month of the year. My hubby and I celebrated six years of marriage, we took a family vacation to Tennessee and Ohio, where we were able to paint with penguins and see two live Moose, I got a tattoo to remember Duce, Lil Man turned five, and we took a trip to the apple orchard.
Blog wise, I celebrated two years of blogging (yay! Go me!) with a recap of the things I had learned, confessed why being married rocks and why in parenting you have to take the good with the bad, and gave some tips for a good marriage.

In October, Fall was in full swing which brought on leaf pile jumping, bonfires, apple orchard visits, pumpkin painting, & Halloween. We also visited the Lincoln Train and I reached Insta Fame.
Blog wise, I filmed a vlog detailing one of my biggest insecurities, and then came back for round two and rehashed another one, and talked about five ways to deal with loosing a pet. Oh and I posted about my favorite mascaras.

In November, I went to Washington, DC to see my bestie, started a new hair color endeavor, and ate some rather yummy turkey.
The highlight of December was turning thirty. We also took some pretty great family pictures at a Christmas Tree farm, I made a bunch of DIY presents, we celebrated Christmas, I gave out a total of 125 Christmas Cards, and the hubby and I went to see Star Wars. I also received another surprise, but I can't talk about it.
Blog wise, I shared my favorite cookies and candies, confessed the things I really wanted for my birthday, and recapped 20 things I learned in my 20s.

2015 was a pretty great year. But I have hopes that 2016 is going to be WAY better.
Always say yes to the wine.

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