Today is the third volume of my Images of Happy link up! Last time, I had a couple of other people join me, and I was super happy about it. Because, let's be real, I really didn't think anyone was going to join.
Anyways, the Images of Happy link up was born out of a love for photography... I love the idea behind photography, and I love that so much emotion can be captured in one Instagram photo. I wanted to give people a place to share their happy photos with others and show that there are happy things in life. A reminder to just breathe and take in life's little moments.
This week I decided to showcase my personal images in a collage...

If you follow me on Insta, then you would have seen a majority of these pictures, but not understood the story behind them. And for those of you who just follow way too many people ( I am guilty of this), and don't have a chance to keep up with my stream, I will bring you up to speed.
For the past week an a half, my parents have been taking care of a puppy. A puppy that due to its special needs, its mother had tossed him to the side like a piece of trash when he was two days old. When he was given to my Dad, the little black puppy that resembles a bear, was tiny and cold. And close to death. My parents, being my parents and knowing that they really didn't need or even want to add another mouth to the family, took in the puppy and the obligation that followed with raising an orphaned puppy.
They (my Dad) named him Ruger (yes, like the hand gun), and the following chronicles his past two weeks of life.
one // Ruger's one week birthday. The first week with lil Ruger was touch and go- he cried alot, wasn't gaining that much weight, and after a trip to the vet, my parents found out that he has cleft pallet (meaning that the roof of his mouth isn't closed and he doesn't have the ability to actually suckle) and will eventually need surgery. But despite how time consuming he was, my mom (his actual caregiver) was ever patient and reveled in the milestones he was/is making.
two // Puppy selfies. I swear to you... I am in love with this lil guy. Sure, I may change my tone if I was the one who had to get up with him at night to feed him, and was always peed on, but until then, I am happy taking cute pictures with him. And apparently he likes my smell, because right after I snapped this, he licked my cheek :) Yep, he's a licker.
three // Lil man & his new friend. Lil Man LOVES Ruger. One of the reasons my parents took in a puppy, besides just being good human beings, was for Lil Man. They wanted Lil Man to have a friend to play with, mostly due to the fact that almost every other dog in both mine and my parents household has a tendency to get tired of and start growling at him. He loves going to see him, and even gets upset if he can't hold him.
four // Another edition of puppy selfies. My hubby tells me not to get attached.... but it's super hard. I think that he doesn't want me getting attached for the simple fact of Ruger being special needs, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't need love. It's simple. And there is no need to save myself from attachment or love.
five // Sleepy lil bear. Taken on Ruger's two week birthday and after I had just been peed on, after I fed him (yes, I do take over some responsibilities when I visit my parents).... and I am in awe. I still can't believe how I can fit a living, breathing, thriving life in my two hands. I mean, it's a bit cray cray. But in this pic, you can gauge how small and just how darn cute he is.
six // Saturday night puppy love. I'm a mom and almost 30, so I really don't go out hittin up the bars on Saturday nights, especially when I have to work the next morning; so I love to stay home and cuddle. This past Saturday night, Lil Man and I inducted Ruger into out cuddle routine at my parents house, and we were watching a movie. It. was. perfect.
-Currently, Ruger just celebrated his two week birthday with loads of cuddles and love. He weighs 12 ounces, and his eyes just finally opened! My mom is doing an amazing job with him- and I have to give it to her. It had been almost 26 years since she had actually cared for a "new born" full time and she didn't crack taking care of a two day old puppy full time. With her patience and guidance, I have a feeling that Ruger will grow into a spunky lil fur ball. My mom truly is an amazing human being. So is my dad.-
Those are my images of happy. And now, I want to see your Images of Happy!
The rules are simple enough that everyone can join me in celebrating the images that make you happy...
The Images of Happy link up rules:
1 // Post as many photos as you want that make you happy. You can post one or post ten- it doesn't matter. As long as it makes you happy, then it's good :) (and you can also post a collage of photos like I did above)
2 // Add a small description as to why the photo/photos make you happy.
3 // Either grab the button and add it to your post, or link back so everyone can visit the other linker-uppers.
4 // Visit other participants and leave some genuine heartfelt comments. Not mandatory, but would be much appreciated.
5 // Come back every third Tuesday (Tentatively the dates for the linky with be April 21, and May 19) and share your Images of Happy.
Tweet or Insta using #imagesofhappy and I will be sure to retweet/comment! Also, don't forget to tag me... @tl_tinywishes

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