I swear... winter in Northwest Indiana surly does suck! This week it alternated between being a snow & icy winter tundra, and mini-warm ups (when the normal temp is like 15, and the sun decides to come out to play and warm it up to about 30, then you break out the capris). But the weather didn't get me down that much, and I actually had a pretty good week :)

one // Taxes came back early last week, so this week I have been paying off some bills that were put on the back burner while the hubby was off work. I am proud to say that we are finally caught up, and my second credit card will be pair off by the middle of next week.
two // We celebrated the hubby's birthday on Sunday with a trip to the mall and dinner at Longhorn Steak House. #beststeakdinnerever

three // I found a pretty awesome pair of Silver Jeans on sale at my favorite store... Maurices if you don't know, and I seriously love them!
four // I have been a member of the buy, sell, & trade groups on Facebook for awhile now, and I finally made my first sale! It actually made me feel pretty awesome.
five // Lil Man has been telling me for about a month now that he needs a hair cut, so I decided to take him Thursday (I would have taken him earlier, but he was fighting a fever and cold). I think he looks quite handsome!
six // This lil space of mine hit 600 followers on Bloglovin this week! Holy F'in cow! I am so happy and can't thank y'all enough!!!
seven // I have been looking at some blogs, and I have been thinking of a design change... I really like the photography setups like on September Farm, Don't Quote the Raven, Hey Kerri Blog, and others...

six // This lil space of mine hit 600 followers on Bloglovin this week! Holy F'in cow! I am so happy and can't thank y'all enough!!!
seven // I have been looking at some blogs, and I have been thinking of a design change... I really like the photography setups like on September Farm, Don't Quote the Raven, Hey Kerri Blog, and others...
eight // I love reading blogs and I read some great ones this week...
When blogging isn't fun anymore // Hey Kerri Blog
I seriously love this post by Kerri... mostly because I have gone through the same type of stuff lately. Go read it, and leave Kerri some encouragement!
The Best Blogging Tips... Ever // Helene in Between
I confess.... // Lot 48
I love a good confession post, especially if I am laughing from mid-sentence.
Why I'll continue to sponsor your blog // Bourbon, Lipstick, and Stilettos
I love sponsoring other blogs, but since I am spending my hard-earned (well, the hubby's hard earned) money, I love to read how other people's sponsorships went. And I love how Lindsay breaks it down :)
Oh hey, btw, do you want to win sixty bucks to target?
Oh, yeah?
Then you may enter to win below :)
The Best Blogging Tips... Ever // Helene in Between
I confess.... // Lot 48
I love a good confession post, especially if I am laughing from mid-sentence.
Why I'll continue to sponsor your blog // Bourbon, Lipstick, and Stilettos
I love sponsoring other blogs, but since I am spending my hard-earned (well, the hubby's hard earned) money, I love to read how other people's sponsorships went. And I love how Lindsay breaks it down :)
Oh hey, btw, do you want to win sixty bucks to target?
Oh, yeah?
Then you may enter to win below :)
*Linking up with September Farm, All the Joys, Diary of a Real Housewife,
How was your week? Do anything fun?

Chelsee - Southern Beauty Guide // Laura - Side Street Style // Katie - Beneath the Chandelier // Casey - Land of Marvels // Tabitha - A Hundred Tiny Wishes // Christine - Life With A Side Of Coffee
Enter to win below! GOOD LUICK!!
Yay for paying down bills! And Lil Man looks adorable with his haircut! We need to have a chat sometime about blog sponsorships...I think I'm getting ready to enter the arena and need some advice.
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking up with us!
So many exciting things to celebrate from the week! Congrats on 600 followers on BlogLovin'! That's pretty cool!!! And my husband and I were just laughing about the Midwest phenomenon of breaking out the flip flops when the snow melts off the sidewalks and it's sunny, even if its 30 outside. We went to college in southwest Michigan and when those sidewalks were clear, the sandals came out!! HAHA! Hope you're having a great weekend! Thanks for linking up with us at H54F!!
ReplyDeleteKatie @ Cup of Tea
Confessions posts are some of my faves too! GREAT JOB paying down your bills - I love that feeling!!