I love Sundays....
I usually don't have to be at work until almost 10a (I work the weekends), and when I wake up, I have time to go through my Bloglovin feed (which I really need an app on my phone for), and see what my favorite people are writing about. And then I get to interact and leave happy comments (even if the post was written two to three days ago). All of that combined with a crème brulee steamer (or whatever is the flavor of the month) from Starbucks (which I get on my way to work) is my amazing Sunday mornings. And it makes me happy.
And since I am so happy, I have decided to share some randos of my life:
1 // I love the fact that I decided to add Disqus as my commenter. It makes life so much easier. I don't have a bagillion emails coming to me everyday, and I can reply directly on the post, instead of trying to figure out who I actually did email and reply too and who I did not. And then people get an email telling them I replied. Best thing ever.
Also- if you had left a comment in the past, and hadn't received a reply, I am deeply sorry. The email was either opened and then forgot about or I thought I had actually emailed and replied back, when in fact, I did not.
2 // I have been thinking of drafting a 101 in 1001 list. I really love Meagan's, Kerri's, and Anne's lists, and I feel as if I want to be one of the cool kids. I also have a lot of goals I want to complete... aka read some books, finish Lil Man's yearly photo albums (I only have the 1st year completed), clean out my closet, and the like.
3 // I took advantage of the awesome sale that Maurices is having right now. I got 6 shirts for like forty bucks. I would say that is a score!!!
4 // I am super excited about my link up coming up on Tuesday! I wanted to do it on the third Monday of the month, but that would mean that my first link up day would be MLK Day (aka tomorrow), and I can't have that. So.... the Images of Happy link up is on the third Tuesday of the month, aka THIS COMING Tuesday, and you can post what ever pictures make you happy. I am basing the link up off of my original Images of Happy post, which you can view here. :)
5 // Along with hosting my very own link up, which I hope everyone can join, I will be adding sponsorships by the end of the month! I know I said this last month, but this month is for sure!
6 // I have added more glassware designs in the Etsy Shop! Woo hoo! Yep, go check them out!
7 // I broke my tooth before Christmas and I am visiting the dentist on Tuesday to get it fixed. Sure it's definitely rando, but hey, it's a good thing.
8 // I have some blog changes in the works also! I just have to sit down and implement them.
9 // I have been researching cruelty-free beauty products and I hope to get the post up this week. How do you fell about products that don't animal test and are cruelty-free?
9 // I have been researching cruelty-free beauty products and I hope to get the post up this week. How do you fell about products that don't animal test and are cruelty-free?
10 // I really like the scarf in the picture at the top of the post. It's my first blanket scarf, and you can get your own from Pink Slate Boutique. ps. they also have one in chocolate and it will soon be mine!
In case you missed it this week....
I went above and beyond and chose not one, but five words for 2015.
I talked about my biggest regrets.
I finished my splurge vs. save series, and gave you my third and final installment: hair!
I gave you a look into my favorite beauty cheapies.
How's your weekend?
Share a favorite post... cause I wanna read it!

Disqus rocks!!! And I love reading other blogs, it always makes me happy, as dorky as that sounds!
ReplyDeleteI started a 101 in 1001 days this year, I'm really looking forward to working through the list and doing all the fun things I have chosen :)
ReplyDeleteGood things on the horizon for you! Sponsorships!! I love Disqus too...bets thing I did. Everything is so much easier now.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see you do a 101 in 1001! I wouldn't mind doing something like that but maybe a little modified. You know, a few less things in a few less days. Too much over too much time usually doesn't get accomplished for me.
ReplyDeleteI know!!! I am so excited!