2014 in review | July, August, September

Today is time for another 2014 recap. Like I've said before, I really love recapping the year, because it shows what I've done and what really matters to me. And I'm grateful for that! If you want to see the first six months, you can here. Oh, btw... I love how Emmy Mom gave me the idea for my recap style!

With out further adieu...


Personal Wise: I had gallbladder surgery on the 3rd, and then we went to two fireworks shows. We went to the county fair and I was able to meet Ms. Erin from Living in Yellow, the hubby started a round of pain shots for his back (the hope was that he wouldn't have to have surgery),  I finally wore shorts out in public, and my brother fixed up an old go cart to take me and Lil Man for a ride. 

Blog Wise: admitted that I am from the country, but love it, described my top ten blogging essentials, and confessed the things I just don't get


Personal Wise: We found out that back surgery was going to happen even if I really didn't want it to, took a trip to Fair Oaks Farm where we saw a live cow birth, mourned the loss of the beloved Robin Williams, thought my mother had a stroke (she didn't, thank the lord), Lil Man rode his first actual train, and had a lot of park play dates! 


Personal Wise: The hubby and I celebrated out five year wedding anniversary, I saw the legendary Garth Brooks with a friend, my blog turned one, Lil Man turned four, we took a trip to the apple orchard and pumpkin patch, and Lil Man celebrated his birthday by potty training himself.

I would say that was a pretty good three months, huh? I will also be posting the rest of the year later this week.
*Linking up with Ember Grey & Emmy Mom.

How has your year been?
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