So I guess this is my last post of twenty-fourteen, huh? No pressure there right?
I had alot of ideas of where I wanted this post to go... finish recapping my year, showcase my beauty favorites of 2014, resolutions, favorite outfits of 2014, etc, etc. But I decided that none of that would actually describe my year, and help me say good bye.
You see, I am one of those nostalgic fools. I love the whole first selfie, first kiss, first family picture, first trip to Target... and all the things that fall into that category. And I'm also a middle of the road optimist type. I believe that there is always a reason that things happen. But I don't always accept the good with the bad. And I need to start doing that.
So my last post of 2014 is going to recap my year, in my own little way. Since I am all about pictures showcasing a moment, I am going to give you my top photos of 2014, the good and bad things that happened, and my goals for the new year.
-My top photos of 2014-
-Taking the good with the bad (aka... pits and peaks!)-
Pits of the year:
- I had gallbladder surgery the day before Fireworks day.
- My brother was in a car accident (he was ok).
- My Grandmother passed away.
- The hubby had back surgery.
- Robin Williams passed.
Peaks of the year:
- I finally graduated with my Master's!
- I went to Ohio.
- Lil Man turned 4.
- I celebrated one year at my job!
- My nephew was born.
- I was able to meet a fellow blogger!
- I was able to seem my bestie not once, but three times.
- I saw the legendary Garth Brooks!!!
- I opened my Etsy shop and it currently has over 27 sales!
- I celebrated a year of blogging!
- My blog has grown to over 2700 combined social media followers!
- I checked off a bunch of things on my 30 by 30 list...
-My goals for 2015-
Personal Goals:
- I would like to loose weight... my weight has steadily been "growing" for the past two years, and I am NOT happy where I am. I plan to work out, even if it's just walking around a track, and eating better.
- I am going to break my nail biting habit. It sucks... I've been dealing with it for sometime, but now I want to say bye bye.
- I am going to quit smoking in 2015. I know it's a horrible habit.
- I want to finish my book. I have been writing an erotica for about three years, and I think it's time to finish it.
- I am going to learn how to be frugal with my money. I have a problem with spending, but this year, it's going to change!
- I am going to pay off all of my credit cards! I know I said this last year, but damn those things suck! Almost as much as student loans.
- Organize, organize, organize!
- Advertise and build up my Etsy Shop!
Blog Goals:
- Buy and switch over to my own domain. I'm rather tired of the whole thing I have going on... and it's going to change.
- Add advertising options. I really love to promote fellow bloggers, so why not make a bit of money out of it, and that money can go back into sponsoring... win, win, I say!
- Finish my blog design. My my, I have been saying this since what, September? I need to get some time and finish the sidebar titles, pin-it button, and share buttons.
- Define myself. I'm a lifestyle blogger, but I want to define what I am all about. I am embarking on my second year of blogging, and I think it's time.
- Redo some of my old blog posts. If you were to read a post from this time last year, and then this one, you would be able to see the difference... The ones from from my early days of blogging really need to be revamped.
- Switch to Disqus for comments.
- To host my own monthly linkup.
So, I think that's all I have for now. I will be back tomorrow or the next day with the rest of my 2014 recap (Oct, Nov, & Dec.). Y'all have a happy new year, and be safe! See you in 2015!
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*Linking up with Anne
Do you have any goals for 2015?

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