lil man turns four {& sharing some blogger love}

If you have been reading since last Friday, you would have read all the blog posts dedicated to Lil Man turning four. 
This was a hard birthday for me, mentally. Lil Man is potty training (well actually he knows what to do, and just doesn't do it... it's a battle of the wills and Mommy will be the last one standing), now has the "I do it" mentality, tells me that he doesn't need my help anymore, is becoming more and more independent by the day, sleeps in his own bed (instead of cuddling with Mommy since Daddy is on midnights), and so much more.
With this birthday, I realized that my baby is growing up. And that, my friends, is a rather bitter sweet realization. In one hand, I yearn for the times that he was a hundred percent dependent on me, and I could protect him at any costs, but other times, I am happy that I am not a slave to the high pitched cry anymore.
The hubby and I decided to have Lil Man's birthday the Sunday before, at Chuck E Cheese. The other three birthday parties had been held at my Grandmother's house, and clean up had always been such a B word. And then don't even get me started on the decorating. Yeah, so he had the idea to do it somewhere. And the idea to have the party at "the most wonderful place on Earth, besides Disney" turned into a reservation.

Saying that Lil Man had a blast, would be a huge understatement! It was definitely worth the money!
On Monday, Lil Man's actual birthday, I gave him a choice to go to the zoo or the apple orchard. He choose the apple orchard, and off we went.


Though we only found one apple on the trees, and didn't grab a pumpkin (we will be going back for it later this month), we did enjoy some apple cider, partook in a corn maze, ate some delicious pumpkin doughnuts, and had a lot of fun in the beautiful weather!


Blogger Love
I have read a lot of blog posts this week. A lot. And a few have stood out...

If I won the lottery | The Daily Tay
Taylor is one of the funniest bloggers that I love to read, but this post is a bit different. Usually Taylor makes me laugh my ass off, which is a great thing. This time she really pulled at my heartstrings. She talks about that if she won the lottery, she would start up the Harlow Foundation; a ranch for unwanted animals where a vet would be on staff, and she would provide jobs for jobless individuals. Taylor, you are now my hero.

22 Things Girls Can't Say "No" to | Eat Drink & be Mary
Through the whole list I was nodding my head yes. Well except to Diet Coke. I can't stand that.

How to: Figure out your DSLR camera | Chits & Giggles (guest posting on The Grits Blog)
I am in the market for a DSLR and let's be real, once I get it, I will have no idea on how to use it. I love this post that Kristyn did. She gives you the basics of shooting and tells you the differences in settings. I will defiantly be coming back to it again and again (hell, I may just print it out) once I bite the bullet and grab me a coveted DSLR.

2014 Fall Must Haves | Hey Kerri
Another Fall post, oh yes! Kerri lists her Fall must haves (duh), and I want of the them!

How I blog with a Disability | Seriously, Sarah?
Sarah talks about her hand tremors and how hard it is to sometimes do anything that involves fine motor skills. I commend her for laying it out there for us to read. And thank the Apple Gods for Siri!

We are family | The Rambling Llama
Other than the fact that I love Melissa's blog name, I love this post. She talks about how she wishes she could have more children, but it's just not feasible with the economy. I sometimes struggle with this dilemma also (I have one), and Melissa is so relatable. BTW, she also shares some cute pics of her kids.
Have you been to the apple orchard yet this Fall? Read any good blog posts?
Tell me about it!

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