Sometimes I like to do some light reading on Sunday mornings. Granted most of the time I am working and reading court orders, old visit reports, and the like, but there is usually some down time in which I can catch up on my ever growing Blogloving feed... I swear, that thing has a mind of it own and is slowly morphing into a complete cluster f*ck. Anyone else feel this way? No? Well, great...
Anyways... the light reading. Sunday posts usually consist if Currently or Sunday Social Posts. Or whatever Tay and Helene had picked for #blogtober14. I love how the Currently posts give you a peek through the half drawn shade into the sometimes "locked up in a safe" life of some bloggers. On a side note, I think I can best identify with the blogger if they post a Currently update... I love seeing the commonalities. The Sunday Social posts are fun because for the past two years, Ashley and Neeley (congrats on the wedding girl!) have been giving bloggers a series of six questions to answer and then link up with them. The reason I love these posts are the same reason I love reading open ended survey questionnaire results... the answers. Give five people a question to answer, and you will get five different answers. It proves that in today's world, it's ok to be different. To be interesting. To be unique.
Yeah, so I just on the verge of turning a simple blog linkup into something Political. I apologize and digress.
If you couldn't tell, I have participated in a couple of Sunday Socials, and today is no different. Except for the fact that this one is the last one ever... No, I don't know why, that's just what they said on their posts... But here is my last and final Sunday Social, and guess what! It's all about blogging!
one | How did you come up with your blog name?
I rather hate being asked this question... because I never know how to answer it. When I decided to start blogging, I had originally named the blog "Tabitha Lynne." It was kinda cute and since it was my first and middle name, I thought why not, the cool kids are doing it. And then I realized that it sounded a bit redneck. A couple of days later, Lil Man and I were taking a walk around the yard. He picked up a white dandelion seed flower and said, "Lets make some tiny wishes." All of a sudden, I said, hey, now there's a non-redneck blog name, and something I can work with. And then a hundred tiny wishes was born.
two | What is your favorite thing about blogging?
The opportunities that it opens up. Yes, blogging has allowed me to bear my soul and what not, but it also has given me the chance to make friends, connect with people, sharpen my Photoshop skills, open an Etsy Shop, make some money, shop at Target more, have a need to buy a DSLR, and so much more.
three | What is one thing you have discovered because of blogging and now can’t live without?
My Plum Paper Designs planner. It's kinda like an Erin Condren or that other popular with the bloggers planner, but cheaper and more functional for me. It had the monthly calendars, but then it breaks down each day of the week into up to 7 different customizable categories. Yeah, so I know that was confusing, so here is the one I have...
four | Facebook or Twitter? Why?
Both? Neither? I love Twitter for it's up to the moment, easy 140 character quips, but I love Facebook because everyone has one, and it's easy to share photos and such with family. Overall, I would have to break the chains, and go with Insta... because in truth, cliche-ness and all, a picture is worth a thousand words.
five | If one celeb read your blog, who would you want it to be?
There is such a long list... Lauren Conrad, Jennifer Lawrence, Tina Fey...
six | What is something you want people to know about your blog?
I am flippin' awesome? No... that's too braggy and not even right... Basically what you read is what you get. Who I am in real life, is who I am on here.
Btw, if you want some other light Sunday reading... read these :)
What do you like to read on Sundays?

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