I've been going round and round, debating with myself on if I actually wanted to post an weekly recap or not. You see, I really hate to be a Debbie Downer, because it seems like every Friday post it's the same thing, just a different Friday; I always tell you that I have some sort of personal shit going on and then follow it up with five 'happy' things that happened, and wind up contradicting myself. This is such an issue, because I want this piece of blogland to be my happy place. And my outlet. But I guess the two can't go hand and hand.
I want to be real. Basically what you see is what you get. And I usually am on here. I am generally a happy person, but I have issues. I have personal issues, and I am dealing with enough shit to award me a one-way ticket to crazy town, but I still try to keep an optimistic perspective on everything. Maybe that's why my Friday posts are always the same? Because I try to look at the bright side? I don't know.
But here's another same thing, just a different Friday post on a Saturday.
So this week, I am going to start with my favorite posts from fellow bloggers:
one || What do you do when your blog traffic takes a dip by The daily Tay. I love Taylor and think she's hilarious.
two || The one where we saved 15 baby turtles by Ribbons and Rotor Blades. Four words: Pictures of baby turtles.
three || Currently (or at least it was when I was writing it!).... by Love the Here and Now. Anne is an amazing blogger, and I love how she is so relateable.
four || What if you fly? by I Wore Yoga Pants to Work. Whitney is another relateable blogger, and I love her new tattoo.
five || Twitter 101 for Bloggers by Becoming Addorable. Becca shares some great tips about using Twitter, and introduced me to Twitter Lists- Thank you!
Next up is my week....
one || Lil Man's fourth birthday is in exactly one month and I am not emotionally (nor physically) ready for it. He is growing up so fast; he is now sleeping in his own bed, going pee in the potty, dressing himself, brushing his own teeth, and so much more. Oh, and I am so not ready for his party- I'm not even done with the guest list.
two || Lil Man has been doing awesome on potty training lately. On Friday of last week, he kinda just picked it up, and I couldn't be more proud of him. Yes, he still has accidents, and that's why he's in pull-ups instead of just regular underwear, but he is only having like three accidents a day. And I haven't had to change a poopy diaper in a week. He is one amazing little boy.
three || I finally got my hands on the highly coveted Garth Brooks tickets that I have been talking about (I mentioned this on Monday), but I was recently told that I won't have a sitter. The concert is rather late at night, and Lil Man would have to stay overnight with whoever watches him. Unfortunately, I won' be able to go with the hubby (the concert is on our anniversary), but I may be able to go with a friend. I am a little bummed, and who could really blame me.
four || The hubby had an appointment with the new back surgeon on Tuesday... basically the doctor found something that the other two missed and he wants to do surgery, after eight weeks of physical therapy. Wish us luck, because surgery will be in November or December.
five || I decided to splurge and grab up the two CEW special edition boxes that Birchbox is offering, and they arrived this week. Oh man, I am so happy that I grabbed them. I love everything in the boxes, and will be doing a review soon.
So that was my week, basically. I hope to come back on Monday with a more positive outlook, but right now, I just can't.
How was your week?

Regardless of what you're going through, your blog should be the one place you can be yourself, share the happy, air the issues... whatever works for you! And since we're a community, you should know that your readers are here to listen, give advice, etc:) I hope things look up soon.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm VERY jealous about your Garth Brooks tickets!!! And congrats on potty training going well!
Tif @ Bright on a Budget
Thanks for linking up! Sorry you've had a rough few days, but finding the good is always a great idea. And vodka, that helps me too :)