Guilty pleasures: we all have them, and no, you shouldn't google the word. Trust me on both. Today, I am linking up with Sarah and Helene to tell you about the things that I love and enjoy, despite feeling guilty for liking them.
one || 90s music
Ok, so maybe this one isn't something that I feel guilty for liking, because everyone gets down to Nsync or Backstreet Boys or heck, even Spice Girls, every now and then, but I am a child of the nineties and I will forever get down to "Here comes the hotstepper" and "No Scrubs".
two || Ben and Jerry's
Oh lord, the calories. I don't have to be sad to enjoy me some Ben and Jerry's, but I do feel a bit of guilt once I finish the whole pint.
three || The Step Up movies
What can I say, I'm a sucker for some dancing. Sure the dancing maybe crappy, along with the story line, but I love them.
four ||Crime Shows
four ||Crime Shows
Law and Order: SVU, Rookie Blue, Taxi Brooklyn... you name it, I either have watched it or probably watch it on a weekly basis. There is just something so addicting, and maybe my Criminal Justice background has an impact.
five || Tattoos
five || Tattoos
To look at me, you wouldn't know that I have five tattoos on my flesh. I haven't gotten one in the past six years, but I would say that they definitely are a guilty pleasure. Especially since if I wear jeans and a t-shirt, no one can tell that I have them.
six || Having a moose obsession.
six || Having a moose obsession.
I have addressed this obsession before, and like I said then, I have no idea where it came from. AND truthfully, I don't want it to go away.
seven || selfies and taking pictures of my kid
seven || selfies and taking pictures of my kid
It happens.
eight || Instagram stalking
eight || Instagram stalking
This usually pertains to other bloggers and celebrities, and maybe to see what everyone else got in their Birchbox, but I just simply love looking at other people's pictures. Judge me, but you probably do it too.
nine || Barbie's
nine || Barbie's
I know y'all are going to judge here... I work at a place that does supervised visitation, and we of course, have toys. In one of the rooms is a very large Barbie house, and I love dressing the dolls, and staging them. It's an amazing feeling to see a little girl's face light up, when she sees what I did.
ten || Plausible deniability
ten || Plausible deniability
To clarify, I love the term, not the act of it. Sure, the term was first coined by the CIA during the Kennedy administration to describe the withholding of information to protect them from repercussions in the event that illegal or unpopular activities by the CIA became public knowledge, but I love saying that I don't want to know, because then I have plausible deniability. This also pertains to my husband and the finances.
What are your guilty pleasures?
What are your guilty pleasures?

Ahhh I just hung a fake moose head on my wall!!! OBSESSED!
ReplyDeletethe step up movies!! yes. i love them so much!
ReplyDeleteI love that one of your guilty pleasures is a phrase! I probably overuse fancy words and phrases when I first learn them. I would totally play with dolls if my goddaughter was doing it. It's not as fun as it used to be to play with toys, but it is still fun to play with kids.
ReplyDeleteI don't envy your job, but I'm a little jealous that it's acceptable for you to play with Barbies....
ReplyDeleteI am such an Instagram staker too. I love looking at all the pictures. Funny thing, I used to have an obsession with moose and for years people bought me tons and tons of moose. I moved awy from it but I still have a bunch!
ReplyDelete90s music made my list too-so much fun! I have certain movies that I always watch when they're on TV no matter how many times I've seen them-Step Up is one of those movies.
ReplyDeleteIf you happened to pass me driving, chances are, if there's a 90s song on, I'm rocking out. You might catch me doing the rap to "Jump Around" :) I JUST discovered that at Sam's Club, they have WHOLE GALLONS of Ben and Jerry's - whaaaa?? If they'd had Half Baked instead of Cherry Garcia, it would have been on. And I absolutely stalk on Insta :)
ReplyDelete90s music is the best!