Friday Favorites

This week has been a blur of allergies because of this damn fall like weather in the middle of July, family drama that I can't talk about, and disappointment due to possibly not being able to get another car. So, this week's high five for Friday is gonna go a little differently.... I'm going to count down my five favorite things from the week, not my favorite moments. 

-favorite quote-

-favorite post-
This week it was a tie... :)
On Creating An Awesome Next Year of Life | Living in Yellow
How To: Stacking Bracelets | Eat Drink & Be Mary

-favorite song-

-favorite purchase- 
Now you all know that I LOVE Maurices, and well, this month they are having their end of summer sale... Yep, I got some good deals, and here are five of my favorite purchases from there...

one | two | three | four | five

-favorite thing I did-
Ok, I'm cheating here, and my favorite thing I did this week is this...
How was your week? Any favorite things?

Linking up with:
Lauren Elizabeth | I Wore Yoga Pants to Work | Meet @ the Barre | September Farm & The Farmer's Wife The Diary of a Real Housewife | xoxo Rebecca & friends | allieology, 'Cause You Gotta Have Faith, & The Other Juliette | All the Joys | Two Thirds Hazel 

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