First of all, I know it's Saturday... but today, I was reading through my Bloglovin' feed, and came across an awesome link up that I wanted to jump on...
Allie, Faith, and Juliette came up with the "Blog everyday in July" link up, and basically they give you a list of prompts, you write about the subject, and link up. Yep, it's that simple :)
Anyways, today's prompt is "Five people (dead or alive) that you would want to have dinner with". Well, the reason that this prompt sparked my interest, is because I have been wanting to do a top five bloggers that I would want to meet list, and well, today's my chance.
From being the next possible contestant on the show Catfish, to designing amazing shirts, to unauthorized swimming in pools with her mom, Whitney would be an amazing dinner companion. And after dinner we could shoot fireball shots while discussing the magic of unicorns and sharing coveted blogging secrets. Oh, and then maybe a trip back to Whit's apartment to meet the adorable Sir would make my night. Wait, no, that sounds a bit stalker-ish. I'm sorry, Whitney, that came out the wrong way girl. Only as a friend, and completely platonic, I swear.

Shane is this well rounded amazing person with a great personality. I love how true to her self she is, her how-tos, her pictures, and the fact that she is following her dream and going to the land of the koalas. Teach me to be awesome, Shane!
For those of you who have even heard of the "pinterest hair girl", you would know why I would want to have dinner with Kate... First, she is just amazing and honest. Second, she could definitely give me some pointers on blogging, hello 16.7K twitter followers (113+ K Pinterest), and maybe bring along Lauren to help me make my Etsy shop a success. I swear, if I could just get a picture of her or Lauren holding one of my blogger wine glasses, those things will sell like wildfire!
four || Helene from Helene In Between
Of course Helene would bring Sarah, and we just wouldn't have dinner... it would be a weekend full of football and music festivals. Oh, and of course, drinking. And awesome bloggable pictures!
five || Erin from Living in Yellow
I had to save the best for last, seriously. Why? Well, out of this list, Erin actually lives only like two hours away from me. Shout out to Indiana girls!! Anyways, Erin is definitely an inspiration and a giver. She gives amazing advice, gives her all to her readers, gives a bunch of cash away, gives you a chance to buy amazing outfits (which she models), and gives you amazing recipes. Oh, did I mention that she is even friends with Giuliana Rancic?
So there it is... my list of the top five bloggers I would love to have dinner with. Maybe I should have titled the post "four blondes and a brunette"? Yes, there are so many more bloggers that I would love to meet, but I decided to follow the rules this time. Btw, who would you pick?