Sunday Social {Week 85}

Happy Sunday Darlings!

This week's Sunday Social is all about the number three, my favorite number, and me! And you know what... I actually really like participating in Sunday Social. It's like doing a "Ask me anything post" without the twenty strange questions.. it's only six. :)
For those of you who don't know what Sunday Social is, it's a link up brought to us by Ashley from Ashley Lately and Neely from A Complete Waste of Makeup, and in this link up, you answer six questions, and then link up on either one of their blogs. Dur. :)

This week's questions are all about me and the number three (I think I said that above?).
one... Top three favorite kinds of food...
Pizza, pickles, and ice cream, but not all together.
two... First three things you do in the morning...
I actually did a post, explaining my morning, and if you really want to read it, you can here. But to sum it up, go pee, get me and Lil Man something to drink, and smoke.
three... Last three things you do at night...
Brush my teeth, read Lil Man a bedtime story, and give Lil Man a kiss (even if he's sleeping).
four... Three TV shows you never miss...
Grey's Anatomy, The Originals, and The Blacklist
five... Three places you want to visit...
Paris in the Fall, the pink beaches of Bermuda, and a collection of the Creepiest Places on Earth.
six... Three people you can always count on....
my husband, my mom, and my bestie.
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